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Who We Are

This is your About section. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do and what your site has to offer. Your users are genuinely interested in learning more about you, so don’t be afraid to share personal anecdotes to create a more friendly quality.

Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know. If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.

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Bodmin Light & Life

Meeting at

81a Fore Street

(Opposite former Wetherspoon's)


PL31 2JB

Phone: 01208 72303

Registered Charity: 1128866

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